I am running for re-election to the State House because I believe our state government needs to find ways to be more efficient and ensure that we, the citizens, get the most out of every tax dollar. I will continue to fight for our conservative principles.

Constituent Service

The one thing I can control as a State House Member is constituent service. I will work tirelessly on behalf of the constituents of District 10 to help resolve problems and issues they have with state government. I hope you will reach out to me at any time with your issue so that I can work to help you.

Infrastructure and Roads

I will continue to work with SC DOT and our county governments to ensure District 10 is getting the roads planning and funding it needs. Please reach out to me with concerns you have about certain roads or intersections so that we can work for better, safer roads in our area. Infrastructure includes more than roads, though. I want to ensure that we are planning for our infrastructure needs for the next 100 years so that our area can continue to grow and prosper.

Reform State Government

For the past several years, the South Carolina Legislature has slowly worked to reform and restructure state government. We need wholesale change to bring our state government into the 21st century. I will work on bringing reform and restructuring to state government with a goal of bringing increased efficiency and efficacy to state government.

Pro-Life Advocate

Life begins at conception. As the parents of a young son, Caroline and I have seen the miracle of life. I will continue to support pro-life legislation and stand side by side with pro-life advocates.


South Carolina’s education system needs reforms to better educate our children for the 21st century. Teachers are the backbone of our state, and we need to improve their pay and retain them. We also need to give local leaders more control and flexibility and direct more dollars to classrooms. I oppose top down federal mandates that try and dictate how we should education our children.

2nd Amendment

The right to keep and bear arms secures our constitutional republic. I will always fight to defend the 2nd Amendment and will resist any attempts to chip away at one of our most fundamental rights.


I believe the people should be the drivers behind government. These represent a few of the issues I care about and see a need for in our state. However, I want to hear from you, the citizen, about the issues that are important to you. Please reach out to me so we can discuss the issues important to you and how we can work to improve our community and our state.